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volunteering tips

You are happy to volunteer for your project because you have fun and conviction. However, sometimes volunteering is not that easy. We have put together a few tips here on how you can optimize your volunteer work: Because the voluntary commitment, in addition to the support and assistance, should also correspond to your ideas and wishes, do not be afraid to formulate these clearly to the organization . Arrange a trial phase in which you have the opportunity to get to know the field of work, the team of colleagues and the working atmosphere. Ask for a specific description of the task , preferably in writing. This makes it easier for you to familiarize yourself with the job and to complete your tasks, and is also a good basis for discussions with those responsible at the facility. Make sure that there is a permanent contact person for you who will introduce you and accompany you during the deployment. Ask for regular staff interviews . There are many topics, e.g. observations, suggestions